That Bloody Puppet!

Instrument Played: Various Noises (such as getting hit with hammers)

D.O.M (date of manufacture): We do not know, and frankly we don't care.

Main Influences: Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, Henry Lee Lucas, Ottis Toole, John Wayne Gacy.

Favourite Bands: Headcheese, that's why he wants to kill us.

Favourite Films: Child's Play obviously. You couldn't have guessed.

Hobbies: Smoking, killing people, butchering people, mutilating people - the usual

Element That I Bring To The Band: The smell of burnt up Brut, and a source of childlike contentment for Gerard and Cormac.

Most Likely To Say: "I'm a convicted child molester, and my momma used to beat me - BRUTALLY"

Least Likely To Say: "It's more comfortable hanging on a hook than you would think." or "I like you..."