Earliest Memory: Being dropped on my head.

Previous Jobs: Mortuary assistant (self-employed), Lard Taster.

Sexual Orientation: Usually lying down.

Most Hated Wrestler: IRS or The Million Dollar Man. Or Ravishing Rick Rude. Or The Beverly Brothers. There's so many - Bob Backlund, Ric Flair (wooo!), Kurt Angle... okay, so I like wrestling. What about Dave? He's a dodgy clone of Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart...

Your Typical Breakfast: Lunch.

Way You'd Like To Die: Aged 4006, choking on a bra strap.

Favourite Type of Porn: Kitty Porn.

Who's your least favourite member of the band and why? Adam. Cos he keeps trying to sell us camels and trade us pigs. And they shit everywhere and spit on us,

Last shite CD you bought? The Union Underground CD. Wank. On a stick.

When you were eleven, what was your favourite pastime? Arson. Wanton murder of GI Joe figures. Like freezing (and shattering) or burning them.

What's the sickest thing you've ever seen? Ever wondered where shit comes from? Dave's video collection. The home videos especially.

If you had to lose a part of your body, what would it be? The Alien that lives inside my brain.

What is the best toy you've ever had? Any of my 80 odd Star Wars figures or McFarlane toys. That I still have.

My reason for hating Hugo Duncan: Cos he did a town challenge in Newcastle and didn't shoot someone who I'd like to be shot. And he's a complete ballicks too. "I'm yer Uncle Shugo, I'm a boring old bastard! Heh heh heh."

Favourite breed of little wannabe metal kid: Any one's that like Headcheese. If you don't like Headcheese, why are you on our site? There's plenty of gay porn sites around...

Would you murder a prostitute to get out of paying or would you do it just for a laugh? Both.

Top three movie villains ever: Darth Vader, Megatron and Clarence Boddicker.

Name one good band from Australia: There's a good band in Australia?

Are Clowns Scary? Yes. Cos Dave dresses up as a clown and creeps into my house at night.

What illnesses would you pretend to have in order to get near nurses? Leprosy and Gangosa.