Earliest Memory: Being in an old empty house.

Previous Jobs: Porn Star, Clown.

Sexual Orientation: Straight as an arrow.

Most Hated Wrestler: All the ones that aren't dead.

Your Typical Breakfast: Coke, cigarrettes.

Way You'd Like To Die: Blunt Head Trauma

Favourite Type of Porn: Scat and Bondage

Who's your least favourite member of the band and why? Himself. Cos he's not on the first CD. He's a failure.

Last shite CD you bought? Lowend.

When you were eleven, what was your favourite pastime? Arson.

What's the sickest thing you've ever seen? Bloodsports.

If you had to lose a part of your body, what would it be? Lungs.

What is the best toy you've ever had? His Wife.

My reason for hating Hugo Duncan: He's Alive.

Favourite breed of little wannabe metal kid: The little tease goth girls...

Would you murder a prostitute to get out of paying or would you do it just for a laugh? I always kill for pleasure. Not just prostitutes either.

Top three movie villains ever: Hando, Alex and his Droogs, everybody in Twin Peaks.

Name one good band from Australia: See if you can!!!

Are Clowns Scary? Not to me.

What illnesses would you pretend to have in order to get near nurses? Paranoid Schizophrenia, Agorophobia.