Wednesday the 14th Of February 2001

The Front Page (Pronounced 'The Stinking Toilet')

With loads of other bands.

Well, well, what can I say. This gig was complete bollocks. The only metal band on among a shitload of other stuff, we were as popular as a fart in a spacesuit. The sound was shite, we played okay (I mean Alex played like a demon on a shite kit, and he actually played so hard his right arm seized up!), and the vast majority of the audience just sat there looking at us as if to say "What's this? Ew, heavy metal. Oh dear." So in my opinion yez can forget any chance of Headcheese playing that stinking little trampy shit-pit ever again.

Thanx to Baron Dangerfield for filming it for us. And thanx to those people who though they didn't like our shit, didn't try to make a big deal out of it by being cheeky bastards.