Wednesday the 18th of October 2K

Morrison's Live And Dangerous

With Spindrift and The Dangerfields

To be perfectly honest, this is probably the best night out I have ever had in my life! Despite shitting ourselves over drummer problems with the now departed Ryan (he's not dead, he just left), we played our hearts out and thankfully it paid off big time! About 150-ish people turned up altogether, about ten times more people than turned up at our first gig, so we had to play like we never had before! After a late start with no sound check because Big Steve from Spindrift lost his double kick pedal and had to track it down, The Dangerfields kicked off with their maniacal 'oi' punky sort of punk rock, that actually sounded like punk, not your usual Green Day bollocks, but some very nice Ramones/Jello Biafra punk. Nice. After cramming around, ooh, about 756 of their short sharp songs into about half an hour of frantic madness, we got our stuff ready and prepared to mess with the public's head's in our own little way...

Kicking off again with our epic of stupid horror film lyrics and chunky riffs, 'Puppethead' got people by the nuts and held them there for another four slabs of our shit. The same set list as last time (Paralyse, Skarekrow, Electric Head, Tonite and the big riff from the Art of Shredding by Pantera sellotaped on the end for a laugh), we played as best we could despite being unsure about the lack of sound-check, and we came out playing the best we ever have. Cormac's bass could have been a bit louder though, but apart from that we totally kicked it Headcheese style, and at last, a large amount of people heard us! And I think I busted one of my lungs, too. Which was nice.

Spindrift took the stage soon after we ended, but for the first time ever, I couldn't listen to a whole Spindrift set because basically I was in complete agony after our set, due to a mad old bit of acid indigestion or something mad like that, but I caught the first few songs, and as usual, they fecking rocked liked big rocking blokes! Shortly after I disappeared to the bogs, feeling a bit dodgy, but still listening to the lovely sound of Spindrift filtering through the tiled walls. Super.

I would like to say on behalf of Headcheese that we were overwhelmed by the amount of cool things that people said to us about our music, and we think you all rule big time! Cheerz you peeps - KEEP IT LIT!

XXXtra Special ThanX go to Spindrift, The Dangerfields, Kenny, Phil and Janet, Big Johnny, that guy who called us the 'wee kids who rock', Glendo from Zerotonin, Scarbs, Tom (Bobby No. 1) and all our friends who turned up to show us support! Oh, but no thanks to my then girlfriend, who didn't turn up. Be-atch.