Thursday the 8th of March 2001

Morrison's Metal Mayhem

With Rhesus, Suki and Spindrift

Well this gig was fun. Billed as metal mayhem, it was indeed truly metal-tastic. On we went first, played like feck, I think we went down well, but I couldn't care less cos I loved it, then came Rhesus, who also played like feck, and sounded cool, then i went to Burger King, missed Suki - sorry lads!, came back and caught Spindrift. And no, i'm not bored of them yet. Fab so it was. But don't take my word for it, her's the ever-charming Aaron 'The Baron' Dangerfield to tell yez what happened...

Last night was METAL (Grrrrr) night in Morrisons, even if Bangor gay core icons Suki were playing.

First up - Headcheese! One of the best bands I ve heard, I think Headcheese are fuckin amazing. Great high quality metal tunes, easily rememerable songs, catchy as foot and mouth and most enjoyable. They totally look the part thanks to a pointy guitar and some brilliant songs titles ripped from dodgy 80's horror films. This band is aggressive and funny. Should be on the cover of Kerrang! within 2 years.

Nest batch a bastards - Rhesus! Dead interesting thanks to the samples of resident fat alcoholic Jonny and some throughly decent and well played nu metal stuff, lots of anger on the stage and it comes through well in the music. Funniest part is when Die The Flu is trying to stop Jonny from getting bolloxed before the gig and Jonny is hiding his pints under tables and stuff.

Two down, two to go - Suki! Suki opened with a brilliant instrumental and were showing off their new singer tonight, the only thing is, the new singer looks really uncomfortable and nervous, he just stands there!!! But its not really a bother cause the tunes are so rockin.

At last, its near over - Spindrift! Unfortunatly I had to miss half of Spindrift due to a tired girlfriend, but Spindrift were great of what I seen, but things could have been so much better by doing one simple thing - MAKE THE GUITARIST USE THE FLYING V!!!!!! It looks great and that yellow thing looked like something stevi Vai's rythem guitarist would use. Spindrift are heavy and ass kickin. Maybe even a bit too heavy for my wee poppy punk tuned ear holes. A great line up and a dead good night all round. 8/10

Only Iron Maiden or Def Leppard (in there 1988 peak) could get 9 outta 10 and only a line up of THe Ramones, Screeching Weasel and Less Than Jake could get 10 outta 10. My spelling sucks but I dont care.