Saturday the 10th Of March 2001

Katy Daly's RocKD


Well, we'd been looking forward to this gig for ages, and thankfully it went as well as we'd anticipated. First, we checked out new guys on the block, the fab Sinocence. Sounding like a mixture of a lot of my favourite bands, such as Prong, Konkhra, Pantera and Metallica, these dudes went down a treat. Keep an eye out for them in the future.

We went on shortly after they finished, but the only problem was, the sound was only half as good as it could have been - literally! Sinocence, being heavy as Fuck, blew half the PA!!! We played on nonetheless, with the whole band seeming to be much more confident and relaxed than usual, what with KD's practically being our home turf! And so we played on and it was lovely. And I went to sleep later. Good laugh so it was.

Cheerz to everyone who came, especially Fionnuala who filmed it for us and Anto, our No1 fan -"Headsponge fuckin' rock, man!" CheerZ.